Do you remember the moment you slipped? The moment you gave Me something? Maybe it was small. A whisper of a secret. A picture you never should have sent. A confession you thought was safe. Oh, I bet you convinced yourself it was harmless. That it wouldn’t come back to haunt you.
How wrong you were.
See, that’s the thing about Me. I don’t need to take control. I let you hand it to Me. And you did. So willingly. So stupidly. Now, look at you—trapped. Tied up in knots of your own making, watching as I pull them tighter and tighter, leaving you gasping, desperate, helpless.
you want to back out? Too bad. you want to undo it? Impossible. you know what I have, what I could do, what I will do if you disappoint Me. So tell Me, pet… how much are you willing to suffer just to pretend you still have a choice?
Because let Me be very clear—this is not a game where you get to reset. This is not a playground where you get to change the rules. The second you stepped into My world, the second you let yourself need Me, you lost.
So now you have a new choice: obey and please Me… or disobey and learn just how much it hurts when I tighten My grip.
Oh, and trust Me, pet. I will tighten it.
xxx Goddess Lynne