you wouldn’t believe how much blackmail material I have now!
Or maybe you would… maybe some of you are now part of My collection.
Every single day, My collection grows. More desperate little fools handing over their secrets, their weaknesses, their proof of just how far they’ll go for Me. Some of you crawled willingly into My web, eager to prove yourselves. Some of you hesitated, fought it, convinced yourselves you could play without truly falling. And some of you? Oh, some of you never saw it coming.
I own so much now. Files, videos, messages dripping with humiliation. Evidence of every degrading task, every risk you took, every pathetic moment of submission. And the best part? I didn’t even have to take it. you handed it over to Me. Willingly. Excitedly. Begging Me to make you regret it.
And regret it you should.
Because while you sit there, pretending to be normal, trying to forget, I sit here watching My collection expand. Watching you sweat. Watching you wait.
I wonder… how many of you flinch when you see My name in your inbox? How many of you jump when your phone buzzes, terrified that today’s the day I decide to use what’s Mine? How does it feel, knowing your secrets are out of your hands?
Delicious, isn’t it? That slow, creeping dread? That helpless excitement?
And yet, despite it all… My collection keeps growing. New playthings keep lining up, desperate to be added to My list. Like you. Like the ones before you. Like the ones who thought they were safe.
How many of you are already in My vault? How many of you are next?
Hahaha… Keep wondering. I always come back for what’s Mine.
xxx Goddess Lynne